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Massage Rituals

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  Swedish Stress Relief Massage


Experience a deep relaxation of the mind and body. Warm, herbal infused oil is applied using Ayurvedic massage techniques of India. A light to medium pressure, using rhythmic strokes to gently stimulate lymphatic drainage and relieve muscle tension.

30 minutes, $65

60 minutes, $125

90 minutes, $185

 Deep Tissue Healing Massage 


An African tradition, this massage uses firm pressure and the Rungu wooden baton (optional) to release muscle spasms. A more intense massage great for those with tight muscles, such as athletes.

30 minutes, $65

60 minutes, $125

90 minutes, $185

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 Guided Stretch


To create balance between the mind and body, gentle stretches are guided by your therapist. Increases flexibility while releasing both mental and physical stress. You will experience this therapy fully clothed on cushioned mats.

60 minutes, $125

90 minutes, $185

Herbal Heat Therapy Massage 

Thai Herbal Poultice

Acupressure points and an herbal compress will transport you to another world of pure relaxation. Relieves fatigue, encourages detoxification of the body, and clarity of the mind.

60 minutes, $125

90 minutes, $185

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Massage Add-On's

CBD Oil ~ $12

Magnesium Oil ~ $12

Himalayan Salt Stones ~ $20 

Glided Cupping ~ $20

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